Amra Sabic-El-Rayess

Amra Sabic-El-Rayess

Affiliated Researcher

Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess obtained her PhD in Comparative and International Education with specialization in Economics at Columbia University’s Teachers College in 2012. Her doctoral research examined the intricacies of corruption in higher education, and how such phenomenon usurps individual and societal aspirations of development. Dr. Sabic-El-Rayess holds a Masters of Philosophy (2010) from Columbia University’s Teachers College and Masters in Economic and Political Development from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (2004), as well as a B.A. in Economics from Brown University (2000). She is a recipient of multiple awards, including 2012 grants by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ Kennan Institute and International Research and Exchange Board; IREX’s Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Fellowship and others. Dr. Sabic-El-Rayess has worked in various capacities for Columbia University, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, UNDP, IFES, IMC, OSCE, and other globally renowned institutions. Dr. Sabic-El-Rayess is a Member of Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her research and publications focus on education and its relations to changes in social norms and beliefs, elite formation processes, corruption, social mobility, and transitional justice. Dr. Sabic-El-Rayess serves on the Board of Directors of the International Center for Transitional Justice and is a member of the Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation’s Board.